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Central is the class that controls the entire generation process. It will use Checker to validate its configuration, Generator to create Docco documentation from the source files, and Front to create the front page.

You're in the right place if you want to use docco-central programmatically:

var sources = [ 'lib/underscore.js' ];
var central = new Central('.', sources, 'docs');

central.run(function(err) {
  if (err) return console.log(err);
  console.log('All done!');
var _ = require('underscore'),
    async = require('async'),
    Class = require('clah'),
    fs = require('fs'),
    path = require('path'),
    which = require('which');

var Checker = require('./checker'),
    Front = require('./front'),
    Generator = require('./generator'),
    Jumper = require('./jumper'),
    Logger = require('./logger'),
    Utils = require('./utils');

module.exports = Class.extend({


  • workingDir: the directory from which the readme and other files are taken by default.
  • srcFiles: the relative paths of the source files to document (these must be real paths without globs)
  • targetDir: where the documentation should be output.
  • options: additional configuration (see Options).


  • logger: logger options object (see Logger).
  init: function(workingDir, srcFiles, targetDir, options) {

    this.workingDir = workingDir;
    this.srcFiles = srcFiles.sort();
    this.targetDir = targetDir;

    this.options = _.isObject(options) ? options : {};

    this.checker = new Checker(this);
    this.front = new Front(this.workingDir, this.srcFiles, this.targetDir, this.options.front);
    this.jumper = new Jumper(this.srcFiles);
    this.logger = new Logger(this.options.logger);

Make it so

Here's where we run the whole thing.

  run : function(callback) {

    this.start = new Date().getTime();


The checker makes sure that we have everything we need.

    ], callback);

  generate : function(callback) {

    this.logger.log('Processing ' + this.srcFiles.length + ' files.');


Docco generation is run in parallel for all source files.

    var self = this;
    var tasks = _.map(this.srcFiles, function(srcFile) {
      return self.callback(self.generateDoc, srcFile);

As well as the generation of the front page.


    async.parallel(tasks, this.callback(this.done, function(err) {

Front Page & Doc Generation

The front page is delegated to Front

  generateFrontPage : function(callback) {

Generator handles the Docco documentation for each source file.

  generateDoc : function(srcFile, callback) {
    new Generator(this.workingDir, srcFile, this.targetDir, this.jumper, this.logger, this.options.docco).run(callback);

And we're done!

  done : function(callback, err) {
    if (err) {
      if (callback) callback(err);

    var duration = new Date().getTime() - this.start;
    this.logger.log('Done in ' + duration + 'ms.');

    if (callback) callback();